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HND (Higher Nationals Diploma) is an internationally recognized diploma program which you can complete while continuing TED University Business Administration Undergraduate Program. 

HND is recognized more than 500 distinguished universities, international companies and institutions all over the world, including UK and USA. Students who complete TED University Business Administration Program and HND Business Program successfully get the chance to receive second undergraduate diploma from these universities upon successfully completing any additional required courses hosted by the second university. HND in accordance with TED University’s mission of integrating theoretical knowledge with practical abilities, is a great opportunity for distinguishing and increasing competitive abilities of TED University students.

HND's Advantages, Undergraduate and After Graduate Contributions:

HND is designed directly according to the needs of human resource qualities expected by sectors and helps students while deciding their career paths. HND is recognized by the leading institutions such as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) which makes students’ quality of education and abilities eligible and recognized globally. HND, is a supporting package that helps preparing for work life provided in addition of studying in TED University Business Administration Undergraduate Program. With this program, students are aimed to gain more practical skills which would help them to be more successful in their upcoming career paths.

Universities where a second diploma can be obtained with the Pearson HN qualification